In the world of today users share their information when joining new applications, buying products from online stores and with trusted websites they frequent often. Although there are many advantages and perks to be loved by users of technology, there are those who look to make use of technology to prey on unsuspecting fellow tech users.
In light of this we decided to throw together a list of small things you can do to reduce your risk of having your personal information intruded on.
1. Change your password every 30 days.
There is a good chance you probably heard this tip before but believe us, it is a constantly brought up tip for good reason. Ensure you change things up with your password regularly.
2. Restore old devices to factory settings
You want to do this to ensure you are no longer signed into any accounts on your phone such as your email account. This is particularly important to do before selling or lending your old device out.
3. Watch your paper trail
Try not to write your password down on anything physical, you are just unnecessarily increasing your risk of that note being found. We also advise that you do not message or mail it to anyone who you may want to share it with.
4. Check default app permission settings before you accept
Take the time to check what default app permissions you are agreeing to before blindly hitting accept.
5. Do not click on unfamiliar links
If a link looks out of place or you feel uneasy as to why you would be sent this link then we cannot stress enough as to why you should not click on the link. Check out our article about Ransomware should you feel like you need more convincing.
6. Lock screen notifications
Something not often thought of is your device lock screen function, your lock screen can display texts and social media notifications which any passer-by can choose to take a glimpse at. So, if know you have that one snoopy friend then we advise that you disable lock screen notifications.
7. Regular backups
Just like we all get insurance to deal with the unexpected we think it is always a good idea to backup your data somewhere.
8. Password protect all your private information
Create password-controlled folders/documents for information that you know is sensitive.